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Why You Desperately Need a Website Redesign

website redesign

Why You Desperately Need a Website Redesign

Table of Contents

website redesign

Let’s face it, we’ve all received the short end of the stick at some point of dealing with a website redesign. We understand that change is needed, but we hesitate to go through with it. But more often than not, it’s necessary. But I’m going to tell you why you should be redesigning your website and how you can do it safely. Let’s have a look!

As we always say, your website is the storefront of your business. Your customers enter it to have a feel of what you do, and how you’re going to benefit them. Clearly, you need to keep your storefront in its best shape to not only attract visitors, but to turn them into buyers that keep coming back for more. This makes your website an integral part of your business. Wouldn’t it concern you if, instead of boosting your business, your website is slowing you down? 

Does your website need a redesign?

There are several obvious reasons for a website desperately needing a redesign. Some of them are:

  • Outdated website
  • Poor user experience
  • Poor performance
  • Introduction of new offerings or model change
  • Meaningless traffic and leads
  • Upgraded trends and standards
  • Strategy change/ Rebranding
website redesign You NEED a Website Redesign

In this blog, we will dive into some of the common reasons businesses opt for redesigning their websites. We will also talk about some meaningful website redesign tips for avoiding major risks that occur while redesigning a website. And incase you realise that your website needs a redesign as well, you can benefit from the Winning Website Redesign Strategy Guide here.

But first, a very important question:

What is a Website Redesign?

A website redesign is the process of updating or completely overhauling the design and/or functionality of a website. This generally involves changes to the layout, theme, navigation, or content. Most cases of site redesigns also include making changes in the back end of a website to improve the site’s appearance or performance

What are the benefits of a Website Redesign?

A site redesign can provide several benefits to a business or organization, including:

  1. Improved user experience: A well-executed website redesign can make it easier for users to find what they’re looking for, navigate the site more effectively, and engage with the content.
  2. Enhanced visual appeal: A fresh, modern design can help make a site more visually appealing and attractive to users, which can increase engagement and reduce bounce rates.
  3. Improved functionality: A revamped website can improve the functionality of a site by introducing new features, streamlining existing ones, or addressing any technical issues that may be impacting performance.
  4. Increased brand recognition: Business or organizations can better align its online presence with its brand identity with the help of a website redesign, which can improve recognition and build trust with users.
  5. Better search engine optimization (SEO): Redesigning your website can provide an opportunity to address any SEO issues and optimize the site for search engines, which can help improve visibility and attract more traffic.
  6. Increased conversions: A redesign can be used to optimize the site for conversions, such as by improving the checkout process or making it easier for users to sign up for a newsletter or download a resource.

A well-executed website redesign can help a business or organization improve its online presence, better engage with users, and achieve its goals more effectively.

Why do businesses opt for a Website Redesign?

1. Outdated Website:

One of the primary reasons for planning a website redesign is an outdated website design. With the fast-moving advancement in technology, web design trends keep changing. It is essential for businesses to keep up with these changes. An outdated website can be off-putting to visitors and can largely affect the brand’s credibility. It might even give the impression that the business is not technologically advanced or has not kept up with the latest trends. Check if your website is outdated using this website audit tool.

Revamping a website with a modern and sleek design doesn’t just make the website look more professional, but also keeps up with its trustworthiness. A visually appealing website can also attract more visitors, which helps to increase the chances of generating leads and conversions. Moreover, redesigning your website can help you stay ahead of your competitors.

2. Poor User Experience:

User experience plays a crucial role in the success of a website. A user’s experience can get negatively affected if the website is 

  • challenging to navigate, 
  • slow to load, or 
  • has a confusing layout.

One of the website redesign goals is improving the user experience. It has proven to bring

  • higher engagement, 
  • longer visit duration, and 
  • increased conversions.

A well-designed website can improve user experience with a clear navigation structure, intuitive layout, and fast load time. This makes visitors more likely to stay on the website as well as engage with the brand.

3. Poor Performance:

If a website takes too long to load or is prone to errors, it can affect its performance. Poor website performance causes

  • a high bounce rate, 
  • low engagement, 
  • a decrease in conversion rates,
  • poor reflection of the brand’s reputation and credibility.

Redesigning your website with an intention to improve its performance positively affects user experience. Additionally, a redesign helps businesses identify and fix any performance-related issues and enhance the website’s overall speed and functionality.

4. Introduction of New Offerings or Model change:

As businesses grow and expand their product or service line, an outdated website fails to effectively communicate the business’s new ventures. Under such circumstances, missed opportunities are common.

Revamping the website makes it relevant and aligned with the brand’s overall strategy. It can accurately represent the brand’s new offerings and attract intentional visitors who are interested in the brand’s offerings. 

Similarly, this applies to when a business changes its business model or adopts new technologies. It is crucial for their website to reflect these changes to  cater to their new target audience. For instance, if a business decides to switch from a B2B to a B2C model, it might need a website redesign to reflect their new model.

5. Meaningless Traffic and Leads:

A website that generates meaningless traffic and leads is a common problem. Uninterested visitors and leads with little intention to convert reflect failed efforts of promoting a business online. This is a clear indication that your website is not being shown to the right target audience. As a result, this needs some major changes to shift the focus on the right audience.

By optimizing the website’s content and design, businesses can attain success in appealing to the right target audience. Following which, they can attract visitors who are more likely to convert into customers. Additionally, a redesign can also help to optimize lead generation forms and call-to-actions, improving the chances of converting leads into paying customers.

6. Upgraded Trends and Standards:

As technology evolves, so do web design trends and standards. Websites that were designed a few years ago might not be compatible with the latest web technologies, making them difficult to maintain and update. Additionally, websites that do not adhere to the latest web design standards might not perform well on search engines, leading to low rankings and poor visibility.

A site redesign in this scenario can improve its performance and visibility. Regular updates and maintenance ensure that the website remains relevant and up-to-date. Whereas, the performance on search engines also improves, leading to higher rankings and increased visibility.

7. Strategy Change/ Rebranding:

Businesses that undergo a strategy change or rebranding might need to revamp their website to reflect these changes. For instance, a business that shifts its focus from one product line to another might need to redesign its website to reflect this change. Similarly, a business that undergoes a rebranding exercise might need to redesign its website to reflect the new brand identity.

It is particularly important to showcase the overall strategy, so that the audience can become aware of the changes a business has undergone. In this case, the audience can benefit from the strategy change, which in many cases is meant to provide some added benefits to the customers. On a similar note, the business undergoing a strategy change achieves to reap the benefits that the said change was meant to bring.

Monitoring factors like- 

  • traffic, 
  • bounce rate,
  • visit duration, 
  • user behaviour,
  • User journey, etc 

are key to measuring the success of a revamped website reflecting important changes.

In conclusion, a website is a crucial aspect of any business’s online presence. Keeping it well maintained is critical to ensure performance in the long run. In the above mentioned scenarios, website redesign is a worthwhile investment.

Now that we know why businesses generally go for a site redesign, it’s time to get personal.

How will you know if your website needs a redesign?

Big changes like rebranding, strategy changes, change in business model are events that generally call for a well needed site redesign. These events don’t need a detailed diagnosis to find out if you need to redesign your website

However, if you’re not making any significant changes, it can be difficult to recognize whether redesigning your website is beneficial for you or not. Here’s how you can find out-

website redesign How do you know if you need to Redesign your Website

Some common telltale signs of needing a website redesign are:

  • High bounce rate
  • Short user journey or
  • Users not behaving the way you predicted
  • User complaints
  • Meaningless traffic and leads causing low conversions
  • Not-so-rare website crashes caused by outdated technology or plugins
  • Pages that become outdated or irrelevant

Were you able to decide if your website needs a redesign? If it does, I’m sure you have another question in mind – 

How do you redesign a website?

Redesigning a website can either be a smooth joyride, or a dangerous roller coaster- full of risks. And we just established that sometimes, it’s really important to redesign your website! No biggie, we know just how to solve your dilemma.

What is the process for a website redesign?

website redesign Website Redesign Process

The best website redesign consists of various important factors. And, the process usually looks like this-

  • Find out if your site needs a redesign (we just helped you figure that out!)
  • Create a strategy for your website redesign
    • Identify what part of your website needs a redesign- a few pages, or the whole thing?
    • Identify the what’s, why’s, and for whom of your site redesign
    • Define clear measurable goals
    • Figure out the big HOW
  • Create an actionable plan 
  • Execute the plan – build your new website
  • Test your new website, and optimize it where needed
  • Launch your redesigned website to your target audience
  • Keep an eye on the analytics to measure your redesigned website’s performance.

How to create an outstanding Website Redesign Strategy?

After the first crucial step of deciding whether you need a website redesign or not, the next step of creating a strategy for your website redesign is even more important. To help you get a clear understanding of how you can create the perfect strategy for your website redesign, we have compiled our best tips here in the Winning Website Redesign Guide – Strategyworks.

The guide will help you understand how you can safely navigate through the tedious process of redesigning your website. Our step to step guide will help you avoid some big mistakes that many businesses make while redesigning their website.

Need someone to redesign your website for you? Talk to our expert digital marketing professionals and avail your first website redesign consultation for free!

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A Website Redesign Success Story

AlRayyan Fire Systems

Our esteemed Qatar based client was able to garner an average of 3.05 minutes/session of visit duration. They also saw 22% month by month increase in quality leads.

We achieved this with the help of a perfectly strategised website redesign. Read the detailed breakdown of our strategy – The AlRayyan Fire Systems Case Study.

The Ultimate Guide To Choose The Right Digital Marketing Agency

Hire the right digital marketing agency
Hire the right digital marketing agency
Guide on why you need to hire the right digital marketing agency.

In this competitive digital era, it is crucial to hire the best digital marketing agency out there which meets your company’s requirement. The market is full of such agencies who portray being the best, but are they? Really?

The right digital marketing agency will not only be able to drive you towards your goal but also analyze and measure success of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions to continuously improve the results.

1. Why do you need to hire the right digital marketing agency? 

  • For their Expertise and Experience.

Digital marketing agencies have teams of professionals with expertise and experience in various areas of digital marketing, from SEO to social media and PPC advertising.

  • They help you Save your Time and Resources. 

Hiring an agency allows you to focus on your core business operations, while the agency handles all your digital marketing needs.

  • They have Access to Latest Tools and Techniques.

Digital marketing agencies have access to the latest tools and techniques to stay ahead in the digital marketing game.

  • To get a better ROI.

A good digital marketing agency can help you achieve a better return on investment (ROI) by creating campaigns that are tailored to your business goals and target audience.

  • For staying Ahead of the Competition.

An agency can help you stay ahead of the competition by keeping you updated on the latest digital marketing trends and best practices.

For their Objective and Data-Driven Approach.

Digital marketing agencies have an objective and data-driven approach to marketing, which can lead to more effective and efficient marketing strategies.

Here at StrategyWorks we work with the latest tools and technologies. Hire us for a hassle-free digital marketing experience and stand tall amongst your competitors.

Time and again, it has proven to be beneficial to hire an external Digital Marketing Agency, and you can reap those benefits too! 

But the real question is, how would you know which company to choose? In today’s era, there are innumerous agencies that provide Digital Marketing services at several wavelengths. So, how will you choose the Best Digital Marketing Agency for your needs?

Let’s break it down!

2. Realizing your goals and needs. 

Having a clear understanding of your needs will help you communicate your expectations to the digital marketing agency, and they can then tailor their services accordingly. Digital marketing being a diverse field it is crucial for you to realize your goals and needs. The company goals might vary depending on the need. Some of the common examples could be:  

  • To generate leads
  • Promoting the brand’s online presence
  • Looking to engage target audience.
  • Get More sales.
  • More visibility through online platforms etc.

3. Deciding the Budget

Setting up a budget is a core task before starting any digital marketing activities. Keeping things like ROI in mind you need to carefully allocate the funding into proper digital marketing campaigns which in turn will gain you profits. A good agency will always come up with ways to best utilize the budget for maximum gains.

How do choose the right budget for hiring a digital marketing agency.

  • Define your business goals.

Before choosing a budget for your digital marketing agency, define your business goals. Determine what you want to achieve, whether it is increased website traffic, higher conversion rates, or increased brand awareness.

  • Research digital marketing agency pricing.

Do your research on digital marketing agency pricing. Look for agencies that fit your budget and offer the services you need.

  • Determine your budget.

Determine your budget based on your business goals and the services you need. Keep in mind that a higher budget may allow for more comprehensive services and better results.

  • Negotiate the pricing.

Negotiate pricing with potential digital marketing agencies. Be honest about your budget and what you are looking for, and see if there is room for negotiation.

  • Monitor your ROI.

Monitor your return on investment (ROI) to ensure you are getting the best possible results from your digital marketing agency. Make adjustments to your budget as necessary.

Choosing the right budget for hiring a digital marketing agency is important for the success of your business. By defining your goals, researching pricing, determining your budget, negotiating pricing, and monitoring your ROI, you can ensure that you are getting the best possible return on investment.

4. Shortlist digital marketing companies and choose the one which best fulfils your needs.

How to evaluate which digital marketing agency is best for you?

Check for their previous work / portfolio. 

Always check if the agency has worked in similar campaigns, ask about their past clients, their accomplishments etc. An ideal digital marketing agency should be able to provide you with relevant data backed by metrics.

Have a glimpse at our case studies and what our clients have to say about us

  • What is their area of expertise. 

There are agencies who claim they are best at everything.  Digital marketing being a vast field, hire a team which specialises in the field of your requirement.

  • Check the cost of their services.

Pre-examine the cost of digital marketing services and decide if it’s going to prove reasonable for your business. The cheapest prices might not be the best in quality so ensure a balance between quality and the amount you are spending. An ideal digital marketing agency will also save you time with the money spent so you can focus more on core aspects of the business.

  • Reputation of the Company.

An agency with reputation in the market is more likely to show professionalism in their work and make it seamless. A background check will give you more insights if the agency is right for you. Not just relying on online reviews but using referrals or word of mouth is also a great way to know an agency’s reputation.

  • Communication and transparency.

Good communication is essential when working with a digital marketing agency. It is important to choose an agency that values transparency and open communication. They should be able to provide regular updates and reports on the progress of your campaign, and be open to discussing any concerns or questions you may have.

  • Ask as many questions as possible.

Before you finalise the agency you can always meet the team you are going to be working with. Also you can ask them as many questions as you can to better understand the work. 

What to ask a digital marketing agency before hiring them?

What to ask a digital marketing agency.
  • What is their availability?

Getting to know when the agency will be available will help a lot in the process of decision making which involves both the parties. Whether it is scheduling meetings, or updating on progress and also if the agency is available to do certain work for your company.

  • What are their Expectations by the end of the project or in  30 days?

You can always ask the agency about what results they are expecting with the campaign or estimated results in a certain period of time.

  • How and what was their experience with previous companies?

An agency’s portfolio of previous campaigns or case studies done by them is a great way of evaluating an agency. 

  • Asking insights about similar work or challenges they faced when working on similar projects.

It is a good practice to get to know about the agency you are about to hire. It is very likely that they have worked on a similar project. Get to know what challenges they faced while working for a similar campaign.

  • What is the Average or estimated cost of similar services?

As marketing is all about gaining more profits, make sure there is a good balance between the prices and the quality of their work. 

  • How do they measure success? What are the metrics ?

A good digital marketing agency will also provide you results backed up with data. Always ask their method to measure the results and which metrics do they follow. 

  • What is their strategy? 

Lastly, discuss their approach to the campaign. What is their strategy? How are they going to implement this strategy? Ask them about their method of content creation or the way they do their research.

If you are a digital marketer yourself and wondering what questions to ask a client. Click here.

Why StrategyWorks?
Our team at StrategyWorks ensures transparency and effective communication to best understand your needs and implement strategies leading you towards your goal(s). We take data driven decisions backed by metrics and have an ethical code of conduct. LETS GROW!


Choosing the right digital marketing agency can make a significant impact on your business’s online presence and help you achieve your marketing goals. By considering the factors mentioned above, you can find an agency that matches your needs, values transparency and communication, and delivers results. A good digital marketing agency can help you reach your target audience effectively and efficiently, so take the time to finalize the agency from the shortlisted ones which meet your exact need and choose the right one for your business.

Are you planning to go ahead with digital marketing but wondering where or how to start your digital marketing business plan? Click here.